Better way for squad Rappel self out of a helicopter.

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Better way for squad Rappel self out of a helicopter.

Post by darkbelg »

So last SOC gamenight on the 29/07 we had an incident that made most people rappelling out of the helicopter fell to the ground. The reason for this was that it was to fast. I know it is called fast roping but in this case you can't do this. You can't use rappel self out of a helicopter this way on server 1 and 3. We saw the first few persons landing fine but then the more piled on the more fell out of the helicopter.

The way to do it is letting people down one by one. Telling them to go and then waiting until they hit the ground before the next one goes. The reason is, if people bump into each other the rope breaks and you just fall to the ground. Having multiple people create a physx rope object also puts more strain on the server. And might create a arma situation where the helicopter blows up because of to many ropes.

One by one does make a lz slower but it is a trade off between landing in the jungle or landing somewhere in a open spot.
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