Template _grpCIV group markers

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Template _grpCIV group markers

Post by Jim »

I've been working on a mission that has a small IDAP part. To give them map markers I have combed the template files and added the following

from f > group markers > f_setLocGroupMkr.sqf

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private ["_grpBLU", "_grpOPF", "_grpIND", "_grpCIV"];
_grpBLU = []; _grpOPF = []; _grpIND = []; _grpCIV = [];
#include "..\..\mission\groups.sqf";


	case civilian: {
		if (count _grpCIV > 0) then {
				_x spawn f_fnc_localGroupMarker;
			} forEach _grpCIV;
from f > JIP > f_teleportOption.sqf

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	switch (side (group player)) do {
		case west		: { _flagType = "Flag_Blue_F"; 	_flagMarker = "respawn_west"; };
		case east		: { _flagType = "Flag_Red_F"; 	_flagMarker = "respawn_east"; };
		case resistance	: { _flagType = "Flag_Green_F"; _flagMarker = "respawn_guerrila"; };
		case civilian	: { _flagType = "Flag_White_F"; _flagMarker = "respawn_civilian"; };
in f > misc > f_debug.sqf

					case 7: {
						if ({side _x == civilian} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) == 0) then {
							_mkr = createMarkerLocal[format["%1_marker",_module],getPos _module];
							_mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
							_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange";
							_mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8];
							_mkr setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";
							["f_debug.sqf",format["<font color='#0080FF'><marker name='%2'>Task %1</marker></font color> has owner assigned as CIVILIAN but no playable units.",_moduleID,_mkr]] call f_fnc_logIssue;
							diag_log text format["[F3] WARNING (f_debug.sqf): Task ID %1 has owner assigned as CIVILIAN but no playable units!",_moduleID];
from f > misc > f_vas.sqf (which seams very similar to JIP?)

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switch (side (group player)) do {
	case west		: { _flagType = "Flag_Blue_F"; 	_flagMarker = "respawn_west"; };
	case east		: { _flagType = "Flag_Red_F"; 	_flagMarker = "respawn_east"; };
	case resistance	: { _flagType = "Flag_Green_F"; _flagMarker = "respawn_guerrila"; };
	case civilian	: { _flagType = "Flag_White_F"; _flagMarker = "respawn_civilian"; };
from f > radios > custom_init.sqf

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if isServer then {
	private _sidePlayerGroups = []; private _grpBLU = []; private _grpOPF = []; private _grpIND = []; private _grpCIV = [];
	#include "..\..\mission\groups.sqf";

	f_var_chWest = []; f_var_chEast = [];  f_var_chGuer = []; f_var_chCiv = [];
		missionNamespace setVariable [format["f_var_ch%1",_chSide], _tempArr, true];
	} forEach [
			[_grpBLU, west],
			[_grpOPF, east],
			[_grpIND, independent],
			[_grpCIV, civilian]
From f > setGroupID

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private _grpBLU = []; private _grpOPF = []; private _grpIND = []; private _grpCIV = []; private _grpList = []; 
private _sleepCount = 0;
#include "..\..\mission\groups.sqf";

// Execute setGroupID Function for all factions
{([west] + _x) call _f_fnc_setGroupID} forEach _grpBLU;
{([east] + _x) call _f_fnc_setGroupID} forEach _grpOPF;
{([independent] + _x) call _f_fnc_setGroupID} forEach _grpIND;
{([civilian] + _x) call _f_fnc_setGroupID} forEach _grpCIV;
From mission > groups.sqf

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_grpCIV = [
	// Always make sure there's no comma after the last entry!
Which works quite nicely!

I've also made a VR template of a composite IDAP and armed civilian group with suitable transport options. It's on Test Server 1 - template grpCIV v01.VR.pbo If its suitable to be folded into the Z1 template please feel free to do so - or pass it on to the F3 guys
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Re: Template _grpCIV group markers

Post by 2600K »

Just noticed this; thanks for taking the time to correct some of the code. These changes have been added into the templates.

I'll convert the IDAP kit into a gear template and add them as playable units into the template mission in the near future.
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